Certified Smart Contract Developer (CSCD)
Learn to develop your own Ethereum Applications and deploy Smart Contracts on Ethereum Network
Introduction to Certified Smart Contract Developer
Introduction to Blockchain
Fundamentals of Consensus Mechanisms
Cryptography in Blockchain
Types of Blockchain and Different Blockchain technologies
Introduction to Ethereum
EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)
Ethereum token standards
Test networks of Ethereum
Ethereum Accounts
Gas in Ethereum
Introduction to Solidity
Data Types and Variables
Functions and Function Modifiers
Control Structures
Visibility and Access Control
Writing Your First Smart Contract on Remix
Introducing Smart Contracts
Common Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts
Best Practices for Secure Smart Contract Development
Introduction to OpenZeppelin
Creating a Token
Creating a NFT
Understanding Aim and Writing Basic Smart Contract
Writing Efficient Smart Contract
Deploying Smart Contract
Writing the Smart Contract
Adding More Details and testing the Contract
Objective of the Project, Writing the Smart Contract and Deploying it
Adding More Functionalities to the Smart Contract and Deploying it
Voting part 1
Voting part 2
Creating Smart contract Part 1
Creating Smart contract Part 2
Creating Frontend part 1
Creating Frontend part 2
Creating Frontend part 3
Testing the Application
SmartLock Contract part 1
SmartLock Contract part 2
Creating the Smart Contract part 1
Creating the Smart Contract part 2
Creating the Smart Contract part 3
Writting test cases
Deploying the smart contract
Interacting with the smart contract
Introduction to DAO
Introduction to the Project
Writing the Contract
Deploying and testing the Contract on remix
Writing Tests for Smart Contracts
Deploying the contract on Polygon testnet
Study Material
Source Code
Blockchain Council