Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the course

  • 2

    Refreshers & Pre-requisites

    • Pre-requisites

    • Blockchain Basics

    • Cryptography basics

    • Token Standards

    • Quiz

  • 3

    Smart Contract fundamentals

    • What is Smart Contract Audit and process

    • Introduction to Solidity

    • Solidity Basics for Audit Test Cases

    • Exception handling

    • Testing smart contracts

    • Vulnerabilities, tools, and best practises

    • Quiz

  • 4

    Defi & Defi Attacks

    • Basics of Defi

    • FlashLoan Attacks

    • Price Oracle Manipulations

    • Exit Scams

    • Unlimited Token Allowance

    • Rug Pulls

    • Quiz

  • 5

    Testing Smart Contracts with Hardhat & foundry

    • Hardhat part 1

    • Hardhat part 2

    • Hardhat part 3

    • Hardhat part 4

    • Hardhat part 5

    • Hardhat part 6

    • Foundry part 1

    • Foundry part 2

    • Foundry part 3

    • Foundry part 4

    • Quiz

  • 6

    Best practices and tools for writing secure smart contracts

    • EVM

    • Ethereum gas

    • Optimising our code

    • Upgradeable smart contracts

    • Surya

    • Solhint

    • Slither part 1

    • Slither part 2

    • Slither part 3

    • Inline book

    • Quiz

  • 7

    Detecting Various Vulnerability

    • Re-entrancy Attack

    • Unchecked send

    • Costly operations

    • Divide Before Multiplying

    • Front running

    • Block.timestamp

    • Tx.origin

    • Race Condition

    • Denial of Service

    • Overflow and Underflow

    • Poor Visibility Specifiers

    • Emergency stops

    • Quiz

  • 8

    Case studies and real-world examples of audited smart contracts

    • Case study -AAVE

    • The DAO hack

    • Quiz

  • 9

    Regulatory compliance and legal considerations for smart contracts

    • Regulatory compliance and legal considerations for smart contracts

    • Quiz

  • 10

    Practise and Resources

    • Introduction

    • Fallback

    • Fallout

    • CoinFlip

    • Telephone

    • Token

    • Vault

    • King

    • Re-entrancy

    • Elevator

    • Privacy

    • Denial

  • 11

    Study Material

    • Study Material