Course curriculum
A Guide to Tokens
A Guide to Tokens
Ethereum Tokens
Ethereum Tokens
Understanding the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)
Understanding the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)
NFT Technology Stacks
Blockchain Platforms- Ethereum
Storage Platforms - IPFS
Protocols - Other Protocols
Front-End Framework - ReactJS
Front-End Framework - AngularJS
Front-End Framework - VueJS
Operations on NFT
Operations on NFT
Walkthrough opensea
Opensea Metamask account setup
Creating a NFT
Buying NFT
Trading Selling (fixed price)
Trading auction
Walkthrough - NFTically Marketplace
Creating a Metamask wallet
Launching an NFT Store
Creating an NFT Collection
Creating & Minting an NFT
Buying an NFT
History of Non-Fungible Tokens
History of Non-Fungible Tokens
Prerequisites & Installation
Remix IDE Walk-through
Setting up the MetaMask in your Browser
Installing Development Environment- Part 1
Installing Development Environment- Part 2
Installing Development Environment- Part 3
Installing Development Environment- Part 4
Writing our First Smart Contract- Part 1
Writing our First Smart Contract- Part 2
Writing our First Smart Contract- Part 3
Writing our First Smart Contract- Part 4
Deploying Smart Contract with Truffle
Project 1 - Building NFT Game
Building the Ethereum Smart Contract
Deploying the smart contract
Creating NFT Website
Interacting with our NFT smart contract
Improving the look of our dApp
Rendering All Tokens
Final Game Layout
Project 2 - NFT Marketplace on Polygon with ReactJS
NFT and Marketplace Introduction
Project Prerequisites and Dependencies
Project Setup
Creating a NFT Token Contract
Creating NFT MarketPlace Contract
Writing Tests for Smart Contracts
Migrating contracts on development and Mumbai Test Network
Building client side application Part 1
Building client side application Part 2
Creating User Dashboard for NFT Marketplace Application
Deployment on Polygon and Application walkthrough
Project 3 - Building NFT Book Store
Introduction to Building NFT Book store
Implementing ERC1155 Constructor in the Smart Contract
Creating the Publish Function in the Smart Contract
Creating the Call Functions in the Smart Contract
Creating the purchase function in the smart contract
Deploying the smart contract
Interacting with the publish function
Interacting with the call functions
Interacting with the purchase function
Creating metadata
Viewing NFT Token in OpenSea website
Project 4 - End-To-End NFT Project [Advanced Collectable]
Introduction to Advanced Collectible NFT
Creating Ethereum smart contract
Creating Function to set token URI
Creating Python Script to deploy Smart Contract Part-1
Creating a Python Script to fund the Contract with Link Tokens
Creating Python Script to deploy Smart Contract Part-2
Interacting with Smart Contract
Creating Metadata Part-1
Creating Metadata Part-2
Viewing NFT Token in OpenSea website
Study Material
Study Material
Project Source Code

Blockchain Council