Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

  • 2

    Blockchain Architect - An Overview

    • Different roles in a Blockchain based system

    • Architect, Engineers, Developers & Security Engineers

    • Why do we need an Architect? Enterprise adoption of Blockchain

    • Skills required

    • Quiz

  • 3

    Blockchain Overview

    • What is Blockchain?

    • Merkle Tree and Hasing

    • Blocks, Wallets & Addresses

    • Public and Private Key

    • Types of Blockchain

    • What is Blockchain Mining?

    • Fundamentals of Consensus Mechanisms

    • Quiz

  • 4

    Basics of Blockchain Architecture

    • Basic Blockchain Architecture

    • Blockchain Functional Architecture

    • Business Components of Blockchain Architecture

    • Technical Components of Blockchain Architecture

    • Blockchain layers

    • Quiz

  • 5

    Tools required for Blockchain Architecture

    • Additional Technologies Supporting Blockchain

    • Programming Languages you can use to Build Blockchain solutions.

    • Cryptography and Blockchain Algorithms

    • Blockchain Mining Algorithms

    • Quiz

  • 6

    Developing your own Network Nodes

    • When to use blockchain?

    • The Blockchain Trilemma

    • Blockchain Functional Risks

    • Additional Blockchain technologies

    • Blockchain Solutions - Steps and Measures

    • Quiz

  • 7

    Architecting your own Blockchain Solution

    • Analyze Requirements

    • Architecture – Designing a Blockchain Application

    • Quiz

  • 8

    Risk management

    • Risk Management in Blockchain Systems

    • Types of Risks in Blockchain Systems

    • Risk Assessment Techniques

    • Risk Mitigation Strategies

    • Quiz

  • 9


    • Ethereum - Overview

    • Ethereum - Tools & Technologies

    • Ethereum - Architecture

    • Quiz

  • 10

    Hyperledger Fabric

    • Introduction to Hyperledger

    • Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric

    • Hyperledger Fabric Components

    • Hyperledger Fabric - Architecture

    • Transaction Flow

    • Endorsement Flow

    • Endorsement Policies

    • Data Distribution Protocol

    • Chaincode

    • Certificate Authority

    • Membership Service Provider

    • Quiz

  • 11

    R3 Corda

    • What is Corda?

    • Data Structure of Corda

    • Corda Architecture

    • Quiz

  • 12


    • Cardano - Overview

    • Governance

    • Ouroboros PoS

    • Cardano - Architecture(Network)

    • Quiz

  • 13


    • Quorum - Overview

    • Quorum - Architecture

    • Quiz

  • 14

    Storage Platforms

    • Storage Platforms

    • IPFS

    • Filecoin

    • Quiz

  • 15


    • Sidechains - Overview

    • Polygon

    • Polygon (Bridges)

    • Quiz

  • 16

    Layer-2 Scaling Solutions

    • Layer 2 Introduction

    • ZK Rollups

    • Optimistic Rollups

    • Optimistic Vs ZK RollUps

    • State Channels

    • Lightning Network

    • Quiz

  • 17


    • Oracles - Introduction

    • Design Patterns

    • Chainlink

    • Quiz

  • 18


    • Interoperability

    • Polkadot

    • Cosmos

    • Polkadot Vs Cosmos

    • Quiz

  • 19

    Identity Management

    • Identity Management

    • Hyperledger Indy

    • Quiz

  • 20

    Governance and DAO

    • Blockchain-Specific Governance Concerns

    • DAOs

    • Quiz

  • 21

    Creation, and Deployment of Smart Contracts (handson)

    • Introduction

    • Voting part 1

    • Voting part 2

  • 22

    Project 2 (handson)

    • CordaApp Overview

    • Creating Intellij project

    • Car State

    • Car Contract

    • Shipment Flow

    • Running the Tesla cordapp

  • 23

    Blockchain security

    • Re-entrancy Attack

    • Unchecked send

    • Costly operations

    • Divide Before Multiplying

    • Frontrunning

    • Block.timestamp

    • Tx.origin

    • Race Condition

    • Denial of Service

    • Overflow and Underflow

    • Poor Visibility Specifiers

    • Emergency stops

    • Quiz

  • 24

    Designing Proof of Concept

    • PoC Design and Construction

    • Alignment

    • Team

    • Moving from PoC to MVP

    • Quiz

  • 25

    Documenting Blockchain Solutions

    • Technical Documentation

    • User Documentation

    • API Documentation

    • Quiz

  • 26

    Study Material for Certified Blockchain Architect

    • Study Material for Certified Blockchain Architect

Blockchain Council

Blockchain Council is an authoritative group of subject experts and enthusiasts who are evangelizing the Blockchain Research and Development, Use Cases and Products and Knowledge for a better world. Blockchain technology is more than just a technology, which is emerging rapidly with a vast scope in the future. Blockchain acts as a financial network, software, distributed ledger, etc. Owing to this multitude of benefits and features, companies are now shifting their centralized and traditional working system to this trending and futuristic technology “Blockchain”.Blockchain council creates an environment and raises awareness among businesses, enterprises, developers, and society by educating them in the Blockchain space. We are a private de-facto organization working individually and proliferating Blockchain technology globally.