Course curriculum
Origin of Blockchain Technology - Week 1
Electronic Systems and Trust
Bitcoin Predecessors
The Bitcoin Experiment
Bringing Bitcoin to Life
Introduction to Blockchain
What is Blockchain?
Why is Blockchain a Distributed, P2P Network?
Blockchain Vs Cryptocurrency
Types of Blockchain
What are different Blockchain Technologies?
Benefits of using Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Ecosystem
Merkle Tree and Hashing
Blocks, Wallets and Addresses
Public and Private Key
Cryptography and Cryptographic Algorithms
Transaction Execution and Distribution
Components of Blockchain Ecosystem
Blockchain Architecture
Blockchain Mining
What is Blockchain Mining?
Types of Mining
Who are Miners?
Transactions UTXO Vs Account Model
Transactions UTXO Vs Account Model
Consensus Algorithm
What is Consensus?
Types of Consensus Algorithms
Proof-of-Burn(PoB) & Proof-of-Weight(PoWeight)
Leased Proof-of-Stake(LPOS)
Blockchain Solutions - Steps and measures
Blockchain Solutions - Steps and measures
Use-Cases of Blockchain
Blockchain use cases in Financial Sector
Blockchain use cases in Business Sector
Blockchain use cases in Government & Public Sector
Blockchain in IoT
Blockchain in CBDC
Blockchain in Retail Fashion & Luxury
Blockchain in sports and E-sports
Blockchain in Legal Industry
Social Impact of Blockchain
DeFi Use Cases in Blockchain
Ethereum Overview - Week 2
About Ethereum
EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)
Ethereum Tokens
Test Networks of Ethereum
More about Ethereum
Ethereum Tokens
Ethereum Tokens
Deep Dive into Solidity
Introduction to Solidity
Solidity : Beginner to Intermediate
Error Handling
Remix IDE Walk-through
Setting up the MetaMask in your Browser
Getting started with the Smart Contract
What are Smart Contracts?
More about Smart Contracts
Introduction to tools
Smart Contract Vulnerabilities & Attacks
Testing of Smart Contracts
Testing of Smart Contracts
Testing tools and best practices
Project 1 - Sending Ethers from Parents to Kids
Understanding Aim and Writing Basic Smart Contract for creating a Token
Writing Efficient Smart Contract
Deploying Smart Contract
Project 2 - Lottery Application Based on Blockchain
Understanding Aim and Writing Basic Smart Contract
Adding More Functionalities, Deploying Smart Contract and Finding out Who is the Winner of the Lottery
Project 3: Basic Smart Contract with Front-end
Understanding Aim
Writing Smart Contract for Depositing and withdrawing Money (Back-End)
Deploying it on Remix with Metamask
Front End Development
Interacting Smart Contract with Front End
Project 4: Developing a Crowdfunding project
Objective of the Project, Writing the Smart Contract and Deploying it
Adding More Functionalities to the Smart Contract and Deploying it
Source Code
Project 5: Developing advance Smart Contract using Solidity
Setting up the project
ERC-20 Tokens Part 1
ERC-20 Token Part 2
Dapp Smart contract
Deployment Script
Deployment on the local development network (Ganache)
Connecting Front-end with smart contracts
Setting up custom rpc and ganache account
Front End of Dapp
Issue Rewards and wrapping up the project
Source Code
Project 6 - Real-Estate Decentralized Application
Smart Contracts in Real Estate
Understanding Aim of the Project
Writing and Deploying Smart Contract
Front-End Development
Front End Styling and Testing the application
Introduction to DeFi Technology - Week 3
Introduction to DeFi
DeFi Key Metrics
DeFi: Use-Cases
Lending and Borrowing
Trading on DEXes and Liquidity
Synthetic Assets (Derivatives)
Prediction Markets
Asset Management and Wallets
Insurance and Risk Hedging
Risks and Challenges
Understanding DAOs
A history of “The DAO” hack
Introduction to DAO
DAO membership
DAO - Advantages and disadvantages
DAO Governance
DAO Tension Triangle
Components of DAO Tension Triangle
DAO Voting Models
Common DAO Governance Challenges
Types of DAO
Protocol DAO
Collector DAO
Investment DAO : Meta Cartel
Investment Dao : The LAO
Media DAO
Social DAO
Grants DAO
Entertainment DAO
Philanthropy DAO
DAO Tokenomics
What is Tokenomics?
Tokenomics in DAO
Technology Layers for DAO
Technology Stacks around Ethereum
DAO Analyzer
Understanding the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)
Understanding the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)
NFT - Technology Stacks
Blockchain Platforms- Ethereum
Blockchain Platforms - Tezos
Blockchain Platforms - Flow
Blockchain Platforms- Cardano
Blockchain Platforms - Wax
Storage Platforms - IPFS
Storage Platforms - Filecoin
Protocols - ERC-721
Protocols - ERC-1155
Protocols - Other Protocols
Front-End Framework - ReactJS
Front-End Framework - AngularJS
Front-End Framework - VueJS
Operations on NFT
Walkthrough opensea
Opensea Metamask account setup
Creating a NFT
Buying NFT
Trading Selling (fixed price)
Trading auction
Walkthrough - NFTically Marketplace
Creating a Metamask wallet
Launching an NFT Store
Creating an NFT Collection
Creating & Minting an NFT
Buying an NFT
NFT : Use-Cases
Digital art
Gaming and Sports
Virtual Worlds
NFT Risks & Challenges
NFT Challenges
Project 1 - Building NFT Game - Week 4
Building the Ethereum Smart Contract
Deploying our NFT
Creating NFT Website
Interacting with our NFT Smart Contract
Improving the look of our dApp
Rendering All Tokens
Final Game Layout
Project 1 - Code
Project 2 - NFT Marketplace on Polygon with ReactJS
NFT and Marketplace Introduction
Project Prerequisites and Dependencies
Creating a NFT Token Contract
Creating NFT MarketPlace Contract
Writing Tests for Smart Contracts
Migrating contracts on development and Mumbai Test Network
Building Client-side Application
Building Client-side Application Part 2
Creating User Dashboard for NFT Marketplace Application
Deployment on Polygon and Application walkthrough
Project 3 - Building NFT Book Store
Introduction to Building NFT Book store
Implementing ERC1155 Constructor in the Smart Contract
Creating the Publish Function in the Smart Contract
Creating the Call Functions in the Smart Contract
Creating the purchase function in the smart contract
Deploying the smart contract
Interacting with the publish function
Interacting with the call functions
Interacting with the purchase function
Creating metadata
Viewing NFT Token in OpenSea website
Project 3 - Code
Project 4 - End-To-End NFT Project
Introduction to Advanced Collectible NFT
Creating Ethereum smart contract
Creating Function to set token URI
Creating Python Script to deploy Smart Contract Part-1
Creating a Python Script to fund the Contract with Link Tokens
Creating Python Script to deploy Smart Contract Part-2
Interacting with Smart Contract
Creating Metadata Part-1
Creating Metadata Part-2
Viewing NFT Token in OpenSea website
Project 4 - Code
Private/Permissioned Blockchain - Week 5
Permissioned Blockchain Overview & Comparison
Role of Permissioned Blockchains in the Systems Engineering Lifecycle
Architecture of Permissioned Blockchain
Examples of Permissioned Blockchain
Hyperledger - Blockchain Technologies for Business
The Linux Foundation
Hyperledger - Overview
Hyperledger - An Umbrella of Projects
The Hyperledger Ecosystem: DLT, Libraries and Tools
Hyperledger Project Life Cycle
Types of Consensus in Hyperledger
Hyperledger Projects under umbrella
Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger Sawtooth
Hyperledger Sawtooth - Features
Hyperledger Sawtooth - Architecture
Hyperledger Indy
Identity Management Overview
Identity Management - Hyperledger Indy
Hyperledger Besu
Hyperledger Besu - Characteristics
Hyperledger Aries
Identity Management Using Hyperledger Aries
Hyperledger Iroha
Hyperledger Iroha - Concepts and Architecture - Part 1
Hyperledger Iroha - Concepts and Architecture - Part 2
Hyperledger Transact
Hyperledger Transact: Architecture
Hyperledger Ursa
Libraries of Hyperledger Ursa & Usage in Blockchain Applications
Use Case: Decentralized Identity
Hyperledger Bevel
Hyperledger Bevel: Features
Hyperledger Cactus
Blockchain Interoperability
Hyperledger Caliper
Benchmarking Criteria in Hyperledger Caliper
Hyperledger Caliper - Architecture
Hyperledger Firefly
FireFly Usage Patterns
Firefly Features
Blockchain in food supply chain
Hyperledger Grid
Hyperledger Bevel
Hyperledger Bevel: Features
Hyperledger Fabric - detailed overview
Hyperledger Fabric - Model
Hyperledger Fabric - Component
Hyperledger Fabric - Architecture
Hyperledger Fabric - Transaction Flow
Hyperledger Fabric - Endorsement Flow
Hyperledger Fabric - Endorsement Policies
Hyperledger Fabric - Data Distribution Protocol
Hyperledger Fabric - Chaincode
Structure of Chaincode
Hyperledger Fabric - Certificate Authority
Hyperledger Fabric - Membership Service Provider
Operations on Hyperledger Fabric - Week 6
Installing Prerequisites - Curl , Docker & Docker Compose , npm & Golang
Hyperledger Fabric detailed installation
Using a Fabric Test Network
Creating a Channel
Starting a Chaincode on the Channel
Bringing Up the Network
Interacting with the Network
Bringing down the Network
Deploying a Smart Contract to a Channel
Start the Network
Package the Smart Contract
Install the Chaincode Package
Approve a Chaincode Definition
Committing a Chaincode Definition
Invoking the Chaincode
Upgrading the Smart Contract
Clean Up
Hyperledger Besu - Hand On
Installing Prerequisites
Hyperledger Besu detailed installation
Creating a Private Network with the Quickstart
Creating a Private Network
Hyperledger Sawtooth Concept and Architecture
Hyperledger Sawtooth - PBFT
Hyperledger Sawtooth - SDK
Hand on Hyperledger Sawtooth
Installing Sawtooth & Run Transaction Processor
Writing Basic Transaction Processor and Flow Overview
Writing basic Transaction Handler
Creating Signing Credentials
Submit Payload to Blockchain API
Create Blockchain BackEnd with Express.JS
Autentication and Instructions